Our beautiful colored eggs are now available from our free range and extremely loved chickens!
Call or text 801-819-6269 to place an order and schedule delivery. $10/dozen.
We currently have 47 laying chickens and two roosters. You might taste a hint of avocados in your eggs because our chicken coop is built under the branches of our avocado tree and the chickens love eating them as they roam the yard. Our chickens wander the yard and indulge in a variety of plants, fruits, veggies, herbs and bugs.
Our chicken varieties include Barred Rock, Ameraucana, Maran, Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Welsummer, Easter Egger, Leghorn, and Wyandotte. Although the Rhode Island Reds are our best layers, we always get excited to collect those stunning blue and green eggs. Our favorite bird, if we had to choose, is our white silkie rooster, Lono!